Help save our planet, and get a good look at the other planets too!

Precision machinery and instruments are thrown in the dumpsters at Industrial Parks in your city every day.   Industrial Dumpster Diving can be anything from life threatening to a Performing Art !

Stealing trash is not a crime in most places, find out before you get yourself into trouble. 

 Example:  Subject  1982 Kodak Laser Drum Recorder orig cost $170,000.  Value today  $-200.00 (the cost to haul it away).  Components recoverable:
1. HeCd Laser  15 mW 440nM with 110VAC Power Supply
2. precision flanges, bearings, bearing mounts, machined rails/ tubes
3. 2 Servo Drives with Motors and mounting brackets (1/2 HP and 1/8 HP)
4. 2 Optoencoders with bellows (8192 pulses/ rev.)
5. various connectors, power supplies, cabling
6. about 8 square feet of Black Anodized Aluminum Sheet 1/16" thick
7. A 500 lb. Optical Bench on Wheels, Aluminum Base, Steel Framed.  2.5 x 5.5 ft top surface

Basic Machine Types and Industry which tosses them:

1. Graphic Arts:   Scanners and ImageSetters by Crosfield, AGFA, DS (SCREEN), Linotype-Hell, Kodak, Varityper and SCITEX.
2. Medical:  MRI, CAT and PET Scanners by GE, Siemens, Picker, Toshiba-- avoid XRay surplus.
3. Office/Business:  Big Copiers  from XEROX, Cannon, FAXes, Computers etc...
4. Defense:  Let your imagination run wild, but you usually have to buy this stuff for Pennies/$$$.  Dumpster Diving here is an NSA issue and can get you shot, I do not recommend it.
5. Old Aircraft:  A visitor to this WebSite assures me that there are lots of raw materials and precision mechanical assemblies to be had in airplane scrapyards.